Saturday, January 28, 2012


I have run out of words.  Ironic, since now I'm writing about it.

I've run out of words to say.  Some people are rich with conversation and humor and never seem to run out of something compelling to talk about.  If not compelling, then at least interesting.  They are blessed with a wealth of words to say.  We call them extroverts.  Their bank account never runs dry and often seems to fill up when they have the opportunity to talk.  Me, however?  Some days, I feel like I'm about the bounce a conversational check.  I'm empty, quiet, and ready to embrace silence.  Like one's monetary account, my conversational account takes time to fill and each conversation is like a withdrawal from that account.  Somedays, I can't talk.

Taciturn (adj): Reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.

No amount of coffee or good company can change it.  It just takes time to refill my conversational balance.  Words are a currency and I cannot spend more than I make.  This weekend, I feel as if I'm drawing close to the end of what I can offer in conversation.  I just want to spend time in the company of other people and listen to them without having to drive the conversation myself.

What about you?  Do you ever run out of words? How do you refill the conversational account?  How do you interact with others when you don't have the words to say?


  1. The purposes of a man’s heart are deep waters,
    but a man of understanding draws them out.
    Pr 20:5

  2. I'm always out of words. Sometimes people think I have a lot to say or offer them when I don't have anything. I think I might give off the vibe that I'm being contemplative and carefully processing when I'm quiet. Usually, I'm just that boring. :). Questions are the key Joel. Ask more and better questions and you can be the driver of the conversation while they do all the talking. It's fantastic.

  3. Sometimes I need to run out of words. But given my personality and line of work that just isn't going to happen.

    In the rare moments when I do not want to dominate conversation, I find myself facilitating the conversation instead.

    Do not be discouraged by not having words. Proverbs 10:19 says "When words are many, sin in not absent, but he who holds his tongue are wise."

  4. Matt, that's a good word and Proverb. Jeremiah, you fake it really well. Both, facilitating conversation is more about asking questions than saying a lot of stuff. There are days, though, when even asking questions is tough to pull off.

