Sunday, September 22, 2013

A study guide to Romans

I put together a study guide through Romans for a friend of mine.  I've copied it below.

Romans Bible Study

Romans 1
            Key Verse:  1:16
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Why is Paul thankful in Vs 8
·      What was the Roman church like?  What do you observe about it in the first chapter?
·      Explain vss 16-17
·      Explain vss 18-28
·      What is our sin in Vs 21?
·      What are the consequences of our sin?  Vss 24-29

Romans 2
            Key Verse: 2:5
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Who is Paul talking about?  Why?
·      Explain vs 5
·      What is the Law? 
·      Explain vs 15

Romans 3
            Key Verse:  3:23-24
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What is Paul saying in Vs 1-8?
·      Does doing wrong/evil increase God’s glory?  Why/why not?
·      What other Bible verses support Paul’s conclusion in vs 8?
·      How is Faith different than Law?
·      Does righteousness come from following Law or Faith in Jesus? Is righteousness the same as Ch 1:18-32?
·      What is atonement (vs 25)?
·      Memorize verse 3:23

Romans 4
            Key Verse:  4:7-8, 24-25
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What does “justified by works” mean?
·      What does “credited as righteousness” mean?
·      What did God promise Abraham?  Read Genesis

Romans 5
            Key Verse:  5:6-8
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What do we rejoice?  When?
·      What are examples of suffering?
·      What does suffering lead to?
·      Explain vss 12-14
·      Explain vss 15-17
·      Explain vss 18-21

Romans 6
            Key Verse:  6:10-12
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What does Paul mean in vs 1?
·      What does it mean to live holy?  How is this different from following the Law?
·      Explain Jesus’ baptism and death and how that parallels our salvation?
·      Explain vss 12-14
·      Explain vss 17-18
·      Memorize 6:23

Romans 7
            Key Verse:  7:21-25
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Explain vss 4-6
·      Explain relationship between law and sin
·      Explain vss 12-13
·      Explain vss 14-16
·      As a Christian, do we still struggle with sin?  Why?  Is this normal?  Is this right?  What Bible promise do we have about this?
·      Explain vss 21-25
·      Who will rescue us from sin/death?

Romans 8
            Key Verse:  8:18-21
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What did God do, given the failure of us to live by the law?
·      Explain vss 9-11
·      Explain vss 12-13
·      Explain vss 18-23. 
·      Explain how creation is in “bondage to decay.”  Why?  Read Genesis 3.
·      Explain vs 29.  What does it mean “to be conformed to the likeness of the son?”
·      Memorize 8:38-39

Romans 9
            Key Verse:  9:15-16
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Why does Paul have sorrow and anguish?
·      Explain vss 4-9.  Does biology or culture lead to Faith?  Why/Why not?
·      Is salvation by our own merit?
·      Explain vss 14-16
·      Explain vss 19-21
·      If God is merciful, then why does God still blame us?  What does that mean?  What is God’s wrath?
·      Explain how Old Testament quotes relate to Paul’s point of chapter

Romans 10
            Key Verse:  10:9-10
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Why did Israel struggle to find faith?
·      Explain vs 3-4
·      Explain difference between “righteousness by law” and “righteousness by faith”
·      Explain vss 14-15.  What do we do?
·      How do Old testament quotes apply to rest of the chapter?
·      Memorize 10:9-10

Romans 11
            Key Verse:  11:33-36
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Did God reject Israel?  Why/why not?
·      Explain vs 5
·      What is an “ingrafted branch?”  What does that mean for us?
·      Explain vss 17-24
·      Explain 25-27

Romans 12
            Key Verse:  12:2
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What is the “pattern of this world?”  How are we conforming to it?
·      Explain vss 3-8
·      Explain vss 9-16
·      Explain vss 17-21
·      Memorize 12:2

Romans 13
            Key Verse:  13:8
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What does it mean to submit to authorities?
·      What are some examples of authorities?
·      How does this apply to our relationship with God?
·      Explain vss 9-10
·      Explain 11-14

Romans 14
            Key Verse:  14:8-9
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What is weak faith?  Give examples?  Paul uses food as an example – give others.
·      What is judging? What is the root sin?
·      Explain vss 14-18

Romans 15
            Key Verse:  15:5-6
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What does it mean to accept others?  How does our culture accept others?  How should the Christian accept others?  Do we accept sin?
·      Explain how the Old Testament quotes relate to Paul’s point?
·      Explain vss 14-17
·      Explain vss 17-18.  Is this us?
·      Explain vss 30-33.  How do we apply this?

Romans 16
            Key Verse:  16:25-27
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Explain vss 17-19.  How do we apply this?
·      Explain vss 25-27

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Isaiah 30

I read Isaiah 30 this past weekend.  Go ahead and read if you want.  It's written about Jews in pre-Jesus Israel.  The basic theme is that God is disappointed in his people for turning to other, worldly allies in times of trouble rather than trusting in God to provide succor.

In my life, I am guilty of the same thing.  I have placed a great deal of faith in America's sense of religious liberty.  I rely on the Constitution to protect my faith.  What has been a cornerstone of this country's personality from its beginnings seems to be unraveling.  A recent court case in New Mexico ruled that a Christian couple who own their photography business did not have the right to refuse service to a gay couple who wanted to get married.  NM ruled that its state Human Rights Act trumped the religious liberties we have traditionally relied on.  I think this will become more common.

And I worry about it.  why?  I worry that the Constitution will no longer protect Christians in America.  My "rock" is crumbling.

After reflection, I think this is a good thing.  The LORD, through Isaiah, said (from memory) "In repentance and rest is your salvation; in quietness and trust is your strength. But you would have none of it."  I would not have repentance, rest, quietness, or trust and therefore would not have salvation or strength.  My reliance on a secular document to protect my faith is wrong.  I repent of this idolatrous faith.  I have not rested in the LORD's provision and goodness; I worry about it!  I am not quiet; my mind is constantly churning over what is going to happen in the future.  I do not trust the LORD.  Father, forgive my lack of faith.

Oh, that I would turn from self-confidence and faith in anything but you and fall before you in faith!