Saturday, July 27, 2013

Isaiah 20-22

I read Isaiah 20-22 this morning.  Very convicted of sin and righteousness.  Read those chapters this morning and pray through them.  The big idea I puled out was to not trust in earthly things for protection, assurance, confidence, peace, etc.  It's so incredibly sinful to rely in anything other than God  May we not trust in this world but trust in Yahweh alone!  God, break my heart!  God, humble my heart!

I sometimes use Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary for reflection and this is what he wrote for Isaiah 21:11-12 (italics and underlines added by me for emphasis).  Very convicting to me.
God's prophets and ministers are as watchmen in the city in a time of peace, to see that all is safe. As watchmen in the camp in time of war, to warn of the motions of the enemy. After a long sleep in sin and security, it is time to rise, to awake out of sleep. We have a great deal of work to do, a long journey to go; it is time to be stirring. After a long dark night is there any hope of the day dawning? What tidings of the night? What happens to-night? We must never be secure. But many make curious inquiries of the watchmen. They would willingly have nice questions solved, or difficult prophecies interpreted; but they do not seek into the state of their own souls, about the way of salvation, and the path of duty. The watchman answers by way of prophecy. There comes first a morning of light, and peace, and opportunity; but afterward comes a night of trouble and calamity. If there be a morning of youth and health, there will come a night of sickness and old age; if a morning of prosperity in the family, in the public, yet we must look for changes. It is our wisdom to improve the present morning, in preparation for the night that is coming after it. Inquire, return, come. We are urged to do it quickly, for there is no time to trifle. Those that return and come to God, will find they have a great deal of work to do, and but little time to do it in.
 Church repent!  Christians repent!  God, forgive me for trusting in anything other than you.  I trust in "leaders" to guide my thoughts and confidence in my "faith."  I trust "Christendom" but ignore Christ!  I trust in the Bill of Rights to protect my faith.  Yahweh, forgive me!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Isaiah Chapter 12

I've been reading in Isaiah and have been taking notes while reading for the first time ever.  My hope was that note taking would be beneficial discipline and it has.  Except that I haven't been as disciplined as I should be at reading my Bible.  My goal was a chapter a day but admittedly I have struggled to read lately.

I wanted to write down all my notes, but that was tedious especially when I came to my notes on Chapter 12 and decided that I wanted to write more for that Chapter than the others.

Isaiah Chapter 12

Chapter 11 was a look at positive, prophesied future (Heaven?).  Chapter 12 is a psalm and song of praise.  Chapter 13 prophesies future punishment for Israel's sins.   Interesting sandwiching of ideas.

Outline, more or less.

  • Vs 1:  Praise God his forgiveness.  He was angry with me but his anger was turned away.  We will praise God for his comfort.
  • Vs 2:  Praise God for his salvation.  We can fully trust in him.  Yahweh is our strength, not me.  I am untrustworthy but the LORD is worthy of trust for he is my salvation.  I was dead in my sins and an object of wrath but Yahweh saved me.
  • Vs 3:  I will praise God with JOY.  I have/will drink of living water (John 4).
  • Vs 4:  In praise, I will now joyfully evangelize.  Make known among the nations all he has done!
    • Give thanks, call upon his name.
    • Tell all peoples of God's deeds (forgiveness, comfort, salvation, living water)
    • Proclaim that his name is exalted
    • Sing Praises! Emotional response (at least for me) for he has done glorious things.
Great is the Holy one of Israel!!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Spiritually dehydrated

I've been "dry" lately.  And I know it's because I'm not disciplined in reading, praying, memorizing, evangelizing, and worshipping through music.

I need to go back and drink deep of the living water.

Lord, I confess my laziness and lack of discipline.  Help me overcome my selfish desires and waste of time.  May I not make excuses for myself but instead spend time in your word and doing your work.

Valentine's Day - I know you

To know someone is to love that person.  One cannot love without fully knowing

Blessed are the poor in spirit

Per Matthew Henry's concise commentary for Matthew 5:3:

The poor in spirit are happy. These bring their minds to their condition, when it is a low condition. They are humble and lowly in their own eyes. They see their want, bewail their guilt, and thirst after a Redeemer.

I am not humble like Jesus.  I struggle to be poor in spirit.  Lord, help me with my failure and thank you for grace to be like you.