Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Isaiah 30

I read Isaiah 30 this past weekend.  Go ahead and read if you want.  It's written about Jews in pre-Jesus Israel.  The basic theme is that God is disappointed in his people for turning to other, worldly allies in times of trouble rather than trusting in God to provide succor.

In my life, I am guilty of the same thing.  I have placed a great deal of faith in America's sense of religious liberty.  I rely on the Constitution to protect my faith.  What has been a cornerstone of this country's personality from its beginnings seems to be unraveling.  A recent court case in New Mexico ruled that a Christian couple who own their photography business did not have the right to refuse service to a gay couple who wanted to get married.  NM ruled that its state Human Rights Act trumped the religious liberties we have traditionally relied on.  I think this will become more common.

And I worry about it.  why?  I worry that the Constitution will no longer protect Christians in America.  My "rock" is crumbling.

After reflection, I think this is a good thing.  The LORD, through Isaiah, said (from memory) "In repentance and rest is your salvation; in quietness and trust is your strength. But you would have none of it."  I would not have repentance, rest, quietness, or trust and therefore would not have salvation or strength.  My reliance on a secular document to protect my faith is wrong.  I repent of this idolatrous faith.  I have not rested in the LORD's provision and goodness; I worry about it!  I am not quiet; my mind is constantly churning over what is going to happen in the future.  I do not trust the LORD.  Father, forgive my lack of faith.

Oh, that I would turn from self-confidence and faith in anything but you and fall before you in faith!

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