Saturday, November 5, 2011

City Slicker

I'm not a farm boy.  Sometimes, I wish I were.  But I'm not.  I'm a city boy and my every desire and inclination is city-centered.

But I. Love. Farms.*

Last night, I hung out with D and A at their farm.  I work with A and we were planning on going with a few other coworkers to a concert in Grand Rapids last night.  Those other coworkers bailed (justifiably) and so A invited me over to hang with her and her husband.  10+ miles out of town, we turned a corner and I saw this large, awesome, red barn and thought,

"I hope that is the place."

And.  It.  Was.

D and A own a dairy farm and 200 acres to grow feed for the cattle.  I got to see D gather up the corn, pet some calves**, stole eggs from some chickens, held a chicken, and saw some cool tractors. We grabbed dinner at a local place and had great conversation.  I enjoyed it.

All in all, a good trade off.

*Channeling Rob Bell's grammar usage here.
**Spoiler alert: They like to suck your fingers.

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