Sunday, September 22, 2013

A study guide to Romans

I put together a study guide through Romans for a friend of mine.  I've copied it below.

Romans Bible Study

Romans 1
            Key Verse:  1:16
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Why is Paul thankful in Vs 8
·      What was the Roman church like?  What do you observe about it in the first chapter?
·      Explain vss 16-17
·      Explain vss 18-28
·      What is our sin in Vs 21?
·      What are the consequences of our sin?  Vss 24-29

Romans 2
            Key Verse: 2:5
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Who is Paul talking about?  Why?
·      Explain vs 5
·      What is the Law? 
·      Explain vs 15

Romans 3
            Key Verse:  3:23-24
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What is Paul saying in Vs 1-8?
·      Does doing wrong/evil increase God’s glory?  Why/why not?
·      What other Bible verses support Paul’s conclusion in vs 8?
·      How is Faith different than Law?
·      Does righteousness come from following Law or Faith in Jesus? Is righteousness the same as Ch 1:18-32?
·      What is atonement (vs 25)?
·      Memorize verse 3:23

Romans 4
            Key Verse:  4:7-8, 24-25
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What does “justified by works” mean?
·      What does “credited as righteousness” mean?
·      What did God promise Abraham?  Read Genesis

Romans 5
            Key Verse:  5:6-8
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What do we rejoice?  When?
·      What are examples of suffering?
·      What does suffering lead to?
·      Explain vss 12-14
·      Explain vss 15-17
·      Explain vss 18-21

Romans 6
            Key Verse:  6:10-12
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What does Paul mean in vs 1?
·      What does it mean to live holy?  How is this different from following the Law?
·      Explain Jesus’ baptism and death and how that parallels our salvation?
·      Explain vss 12-14
·      Explain vss 17-18
·      Memorize 6:23

Romans 7
            Key Verse:  7:21-25
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Explain vss 4-6
·      Explain relationship between law and sin
·      Explain vss 12-13
·      Explain vss 14-16
·      As a Christian, do we still struggle with sin?  Why?  Is this normal?  Is this right?  What Bible promise do we have about this?
·      Explain vss 21-25
·      Who will rescue us from sin/death?

Romans 8
            Key Verse:  8:18-21
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What did God do, given the failure of us to live by the law?
·      Explain vss 9-11
·      Explain vss 12-13
·      Explain vss 18-23. 
·      Explain how creation is in “bondage to decay.”  Why?  Read Genesis 3.
·      Explain vs 29.  What does it mean “to be conformed to the likeness of the son?”
·      Memorize 8:38-39

Romans 9
            Key Verse:  9:15-16
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Why does Paul have sorrow and anguish?
·      Explain vss 4-9.  Does biology or culture lead to Faith?  Why/Why not?
·      Is salvation by our own merit?
·      Explain vss 14-16
·      Explain vss 19-21
·      If God is merciful, then why does God still blame us?  What does that mean?  What is God’s wrath?
·      Explain how Old Testament quotes relate to Paul’s point of chapter

Romans 10
            Key Verse:  10:9-10
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Why did Israel struggle to find faith?
·      Explain vs 3-4
·      Explain difference between “righteousness by law” and “righteousness by faith”
·      Explain vss 14-15.  What do we do?
·      How do Old testament quotes apply to rest of the chapter?
·      Memorize 10:9-10

Romans 11
            Key Verse:  11:33-36
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Did God reject Israel?  Why/why not?
·      Explain vs 5
·      What is an “ingrafted branch?”  What does that mean for us?
·      Explain vss 17-24
·      Explain 25-27

Romans 12
            Key Verse:  12:2
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What is the “pattern of this world?”  How are we conforming to it?
·      Explain vss 3-8
·      Explain vss 9-16
·      Explain vss 17-21
·      Memorize 12:2

Romans 13
            Key Verse:  13:8
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What does it mean to submit to authorities?
·      What are some examples of authorities?
·      How does this apply to our relationship with God?
·      Explain vss 9-10
·      Explain 11-14

Romans 14
            Key Verse:  14:8-9
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What is weak faith?  Give examples?  Paul uses food as an example – give others.
·      What is judging? What is the root sin?
·      Explain vss 14-18

Romans 15
            Key Verse:  15:5-6
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What does it mean to accept others?  How does our culture accept others?  How should the Christian accept others?  Do we accept sin?
·      Explain how the Old Testament quotes relate to Paul’s point?
·      Explain vss 14-17
·      Explain vss 17-18.  Is this us?
·      Explain vss 30-33.  How do we apply this?

Romans 16
            Key Verse:  16:25-27
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Explain vss 17-19.  How do we apply this?
·      Explain vss 25-27