Sunday, October 27, 2013


I've been reading through Isaiah and taking notes.  One big thing I've been reading lately is that Yahweh keeps defining himself.  He keeps dropping things about himself - his character, deeds, etc.  And he keeps talking smack about all other "gods."  It would be self-aggrandizement if he weren't the creator of all things.

Below is a list from chapters 40-44 of Yahweh's self-talk:

  • Sovereign Lord
  • Powerful
  • His arm rules
  • He carries a reward
  • Guides sheep flocks like a shepherd
  • Carries his young close to his heart
  • Holds world's waters in his hands
  • Sky no more than the width of his hand
  • Carries earth's dust in basket
  • Who knows his mind?
  • Sits enthroned above earth and peoples are like grasshoppers
  • Brings princes to naught
  • Rulers are like plants that God can blow and scatter like chaff
  • Who is his equal?
  • Who created the earth and heavens?
  • Brings out starry host one by one
  • Not one star is missing
  • Yahweh is the everlasting God
  • Creator of ends of earth
  • Will not grow tired or weary
  • Understanding none can fathom
  • Gives strength to weary
  • Increases power of weak
  • He hands nations over to other nations
  • Subdues kings and turns them to dust
  • He is the first and last
  • He strengthens his people and is with them
  • He takes hold of his people's right hand and says "Do not fear"
  • He is the Redeemer
  • The Holy One of Israel
  • Will not forsake hungry and thirsty
  • Will bring blessing to desert lands
  • Created heavens and stretched them out
  • Spread out earth and all that comes out of it
  • Gives breath to people and life to those who walk on earth
  • Will make his people a covenant and light to Gentiles
  • Will open eyes of the blind, free captives from prison, release from dungeon those who sit in darkness
  • Yahweh is his name!
  • Will not give glory to idols
  • He will march out like a mighty man.
  • Like a warrior he will stir up his zeal
  • Will lay waste to mountains, dry up vegetation
  • Will lead blind along unfamiliar paths
  • Will turn turn darkness to light
  • It pleased the LORD to make his law great and glorious
  • He punishes his people for disobedience
    • Handed Jacob over to become loot and Israel to plunderers
    • He poured out on them his burning anger and violence of war
  • LORD created Jacob and formed Israel
  • He has redeemed Israel
  • He has summoned Israel by name
  • LORD, our God, the Holy One of Israel, our Savior
  • He loves Israel
  • He is with Israel and will deliver them from far away places
  • He created those called by his name for his glory
  • Before Yahweh, no god was formed nor will there be any after him
  • He is the LORD and there is no other Savior
  • He has revealed and proclaimed and saved
  • He is the Ancient of Days
  • No one can deliver out of the LORD's hand
  • When he acts, who can reverse it?
  • He is Holy and Israel's creator and King
  • He parted the Red Sea, Saved Israel, and Destroyed Egypt's forces in the waters
  • He is restoring the deserts
  • He blots out transgressions
  • He forgets sins
  • He formed us in the womb
  • He will pour out water on desert lands
  • He will give his Holy Spirit to people
  • He is Israel's king and redeemer
  • He is the LORD Almighty
  • He is First and Last
  • Apart from him there is no God
  • Who is like him?  Let them declare their past deeds and foretell the future
  • He is our Rock and there is none other
  • He will not forget Israel.
  • He has swept away Israel's sins and has redeemed them


Sunday, September 22, 2013

A study guide to Romans

I put together a study guide through Romans for a friend of mine.  I've copied it below.

Romans Bible Study

Romans 1
            Key Verse:  1:16
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Why is Paul thankful in Vs 8
·      What was the Roman church like?  What do you observe about it in the first chapter?
·      Explain vss 16-17
·      Explain vss 18-28
·      What is our sin in Vs 21?
·      What are the consequences of our sin?  Vss 24-29

Romans 2
            Key Verse: 2:5
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Who is Paul talking about?  Why?
·      Explain vs 5
·      What is the Law? 
·      Explain vs 15

Romans 3
            Key Verse:  3:23-24
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What is Paul saying in Vs 1-8?
·      Does doing wrong/evil increase God’s glory?  Why/why not?
·      What other Bible verses support Paul’s conclusion in vs 8?
·      How is Faith different than Law?
·      Does righteousness come from following Law or Faith in Jesus? Is righteousness the same as Ch 1:18-32?
·      What is atonement (vs 25)?
·      Memorize verse 3:23

Romans 4
            Key Verse:  4:7-8, 24-25
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What does “justified by works” mean?
·      What does “credited as righteousness” mean?
·      What did God promise Abraham?  Read Genesis

Romans 5
            Key Verse:  5:6-8
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What do we rejoice?  When?
·      What are examples of suffering?
·      What does suffering lead to?
·      Explain vss 12-14
·      Explain vss 15-17
·      Explain vss 18-21

Romans 6
            Key Verse:  6:10-12
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What does Paul mean in vs 1?
·      What does it mean to live holy?  How is this different from following the Law?
·      Explain Jesus’ baptism and death and how that parallels our salvation?
·      Explain vss 12-14
·      Explain vss 17-18
·      Memorize 6:23

Romans 7
            Key Verse:  7:21-25
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Explain vss 4-6
·      Explain relationship between law and sin
·      Explain vss 12-13
·      Explain vss 14-16
·      As a Christian, do we still struggle with sin?  Why?  Is this normal?  Is this right?  What Bible promise do we have about this?
·      Explain vss 21-25
·      Who will rescue us from sin/death?

Romans 8
            Key Verse:  8:18-21
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What did God do, given the failure of us to live by the law?
·      Explain vss 9-11
·      Explain vss 12-13
·      Explain vss 18-23. 
·      Explain how creation is in “bondage to decay.”  Why?  Read Genesis 3.
·      Explain vs 29.  What does it mean “to be conformed to the likeness of the son?”
·      Memorize 8:38-39

Romans 9
            Key Verse:  9:15-16
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Why does Paul have sorrow and anguish?
·      Explain vss 4-9.  Does biology or culture lead to Faith?  Why/Why not?
·      Is salvation by our own merit?
·      Explain vss 14-16
·      Explain vss 19-21
·      If God is merciful, then why does God still blame us?  What does that mean?  What is God’s wrath?
·      Explain how Old Testament quotes relate to Paul’s point of chapter

Romans 10
            Key Verse:  10:9-10
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Why did Israel struggle to find faith?
·      Explain vs 3-4
·      Explain difference between “righteousness by law” and “righteousness by faith”
·      Explain vss 14-15.  What do we do?
·      How do Old testament quotes apply to rest of the chapter?
·      Memorize 10:9-10

Romans 11
            Key Verse:  11:33-36
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Did God reject Israel?  Why/why not?
·      Explain vs 5
·      What is an “ingrafted branch?”  What does that mean for us?
·      Explain vss 17-24
·      Explain 25-27

Romans 12
            Key Verse:  12:2
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What is the “pattern of this world?”  How are we conforming to it?
·      Explain vss 3-8
·      Explain vss 9-16
·      Explain vss 17-21
·      Memorize 12:2

Romans 13
            Key Verse:  13:8
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What does it mean to submit to authorities?
·      What are some examples of authorities?
·      How does this apply to our relationship with God?
·      Explain vss 9-10
·      Explain 11-14

Romans 14
            Key Verse:  14:8-9
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What is weak faith?  Give examples?  Paul uses food as an example – give others.
·      What is judging? What is the root sin?
·      Explain vss 14-18

Romans 15
            Key Verse:  15:5-6
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      What does it mean to accept others?  How does our culture accept others?  How should the Christian accept others?  Do we accept sin?
·      Explain how the Old Testament quotes relate to Paul’s point?
·      Explain vss 14-17
·      Explain vss 17-18.  Is this us?
·      Explain vss 30-33.  How do we apply this?

Romans 16
            Key Verse:  16:25-27
            Questions to Answer:
·      What is Paul saying in this chapter?  Put his words into your own words.
·      What is Paul’s main point or big idea of this chapter?
·      Explain vss 17-19.  How do we apply this?
·      Explain vss 25-27

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Isaiah 30

I read Isaiah 30 this past weekend.  Go ahead and read if you want.  It's written about Jews in pre-Jesus Israel.  The basic theme is that God is disappointed in his people for turning to other, worldly allies in times of trouble rather than trusting in God to provide succor.

In my life, I am guilty of the same thing.  I have placed a great deal of faith in America's sense of religious liberty.  I rely on the Constitution to protect my faith.  What has been a cornerstone of this country's personality from its beginnings seems to be unraveling.  A recent court case in New Mexico ruled that a Christian couple who own their photography business did not have the right to refuse service to a gay couple who wanted to get married.  NM ruled that its state Human Rights Act trumped the religious liberties we have traditionally relied on.  I think this will become more common.

And I worry about it.  why?  I worry that the Constitution will no longer protect Christians in America.  My "rock" is crumbling.

After reflection, I think this is a good thing.  The LORD, through Isaiah, said (from memory) "In repentance and rest is your salvation; in quietness and trust is your strength. But you would have none of it."  I would not have repentance, rest, quietness, or trust and therefore would not have salvation or strength.  My reliance on a secular document to protect my faith is wrong.  I repent of this idolatrous faith.  I have not rested in the LORD's provision and goodness; I worry about it!  I am not quiet; my mind is constantly churning over what is going to happen in the future.  I do not trust the LORD.  Father, forgive my lack of faith.

Oh, that I would turn from self-confidence and faith in anything but you and fall before you in faith!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Isaiah 23

God deals with the merchant-nation of Tyre and punishes their pursuit of worldly diversion and accumulation of wealth.  A good lesson can be found in Matthew Henry's explanation of the second half of the chapter:

The desolations of Tyre were not to be for ever. The Lord will visit Tyre in mercy. But when set at liberty, she will use her old arts of temptation. The love of worldly wealth is spiritual idolatry; and covetousness is spiritual idolatry. This directs those that have wealth, to use it in the service of God. When we abide with God in our worldly callings, when we do all in our power to further the gospel, then our merchandise and hire are holiness to the Lord, if we look to his glory. Christians should carry on business as God's servants, and use riches as his stewards.
 A good take home for me is what I underlined, italicized, and bolded.  When we abide with God in our worldly callings, when we do all in our power to further the Gospel, then our merchandise and hire are holiness to the Lord, if we look to his glory.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Isaiah 20-22

I read Isaiah 20-22 this morning.  Very convicted of sin and righteousness.  Read those chapters this morning and pray through them.  The big idea I puled out was to not trust in earthly things for protection, assurance, confidence, peace, etc.  It's so incredibly sinful to rely in anything other than God  May we not trust in this world but trust in Yahweh alone!  God, break my heart!  God, humble my heart!

I sometimes use Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary for reflection and this is what he wrote for Isaiah 21:11-12 (italics and underlines added by me for emphasis).  Very convicting to me.
God's prophets and ministers are as watchmen in the city in a time of peace, to see that all is safe. As watchmen in the camp in time of war, to warn of the motions of the enemy. After a long sleep in sin and security, it is time to rise, to awake out of sleep. We have a great deal of work to do, a long journey to go; it is time to be stirring. After a long dark night is there any hope of the day dawning? What tidings of the night? What happens to-night? We must never be secure. But many make curious inquiries of the watchmen. They would willingly have nice questions solved, or difficult prophecies interpreted; but they do not seek into the state of their own souls, about the way of salvation, and the path of duty. The watchman answers by way of prophecy. There comes first a morning of light, and peace, and opportunity; but afterward comes a night of trouble and calamity. If there be a morning of youth and health, there will come a night of sickness and old age; if a morning of prosperity in the family, in the public, yet we must look for changes. It is our wisdom to improve the present morning, in preparation for the night that is coming after it. Inquire, return, come. We are urged to do it quickly, for there is no time to trifle. Those that return and come to God, will find they have a great deal of work to do, and but little time to do it in.
 Church repent!  Christians repent!  God, forgive me for trusting in anything other than you.  I trust in "leaders" to guide my thoughts and confidence in my "faith."  I trust "Christendom" but ignore Christ!  I trust in the Bill of Rights to protect my faith.  Yahweh, forgive me!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Isaiah Chapter 12

I've been reading in Isaiah and have been taking notes while reading for the first time ever.  My hope was that note taking would be beneficial discipline and it has.  Except that I haven't been as disciplined as I should be at reading my Bible.  My goal was a chapter a day but admittedly I have struggled to read lately.

I wanted to write down all my notes, but that was tedious especially when I came to my notes on Chapter 12 and decided that I wanted to write more for that Chapter than the others.

Isaiah Chapter 12

Chapter 11 was a look at positive, prophesied future (Heaven?).  Chapter 12 is a psalm and song of praise.  Chapter 13 prophesies future punishment for Israel's sins.   Interesting sandwiching of ideas.

Outline, more or less.

  • Vs 1:  Praise God his forgiveness.  He was angry with me but his anger was turned away.  We will praise God for his comfort.
  • Vs 2:  Praise God for his salvation.  We can fully trust in him.  Yahweh is our strength, not me.  I am untrustworthy but the LORD is worthy of trust for he is my salvation.  I was dead in my sins and an object of wrath but Yahweh saved me.
  • Vs 3:  I will praise God with JOY.  I have/will drink of living water (John 4).
  • Vs 4:  In praise, I will now joyfully evangelize.  Make known among the nations all he has done!
    • Give thanks, call upon his name.
    • Tell all peoples of God's deeds (forgiveness, comfort, salvation, living water)
    • Proclaim that his name is exalted
    • Sing Praises! Emotional response (at least for me) for he has done glorious things.
Great is the Holy one of Israel!!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Spiritually dehydrated

I've been "dry" lately.  And I know it's because I'm not disciplined in reading, praying, memorizing, evangelizing, and worshipping through music.

I need to go back and drink deep of the living water.

Lord, I confess my laziness and lack of discipline.  Help me overcome my selfish desires and waste of time.  May I not make excuses for myself but instead spend time in your word and doing your work.

Valentine's Day - I know you

To know someone is to love that person.  One cannot love without fully knowing

Blessed are the poor in spirit

Per Matthew Henry's concise commentary for Matthew 5:3:

The poor in spirit are happy. These bring their minds to their condition, when it is a low condition. They are humble and lowly in their own eyes. They see their want, bewail their guilt, and thirst after a Redeemer.

I am not humble like Jesus.  I struggle to be poor in spirit.  Lord, help me with my failure and thank you for grace to be like you.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Things I dream

I dream to someday...

  • Take a part a lawn mower engine and put it back together
  • Do most of my car repair myself
  • Make my Toyota hit 300,000 miles (only 120,000 more)
  • Own a house
  • Own a house with a garage
  • Memorize the Nicene and Apostle's Creeds

Sunday, April 7, 2013


We've been sick.  Our Sunday Sabbath Rest time has been the whole weekend.

I took a nap this afternoon.

We visited a new church today.

I am now playing my guitar.

Remarkable content, eh?

Saturday, March 16, 2013

That awkward moment when....

...You get in trouble for skipping fun events to have some quiet time and then you get in trouble for skipping the quiet events to have some fun.  It's lose-lose some days.

Really struggling with others' expectations for me - totes obvs by my immature sentences above.